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Personal Finance 4-e


選擇一本Personal Finance 4-e的工具理財書是多麼的重要





再來就是記帳。「這就像慢跑一樣,每天做一點,累積對數字的敏感度。」透過Personal Finance 4-e讓自己有印象,也順便花時間回想當天消費,久而久之,對自己的開銷更有警覺。 最後,則是學習財經知識。我從看Personal Finance 4-e理財書籍、報章雜誌著手每月剩餘的錢,我也用來練習買零股,進而去關心時事。





Publisher: Prentice Hall
Copyright: 2007
Format: Kit/Package/ShrinkWrap; 672 pp

Keown is the only Personal Finance text that builds on 15 Principles to help students develop an intuitive understanding of the process of financial planning so they can use the resources learned in this course to be better financial planners.
This text is written directly to the student. It teaches students how to manage their personal finances. It concentrates on the fundamentals and underlying principles of personal finance, rather than focusing on equations and specific tools which are more easily forgotten.
New To This Edition

Does your current text have adequate coverage of credit scoring?

Complete coverage of credit scoring. The importance of your credit score cannot be overstated. There is a major section on credit scoring in Chapter 6, which includes sections on:

Determining Creditworthiness — Credit Scoring;

Why Having a Good Credit Score (FICO Score) is Important;

How Your Credit Score is Computed;
What’s in Your Credit Report;
The Five Factors that Determine Your Credit Score;
Information Not Considered When Calculating Your FICO Score;
Managing Your Credit Score, and;
The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act).

How do you prepare your students to make informed financial decisions at ley points of their lives?

An extensive discussion of 10 “Financial Life Events.” This discussion in Chapter 18 serves to tie together the concepts and tools in the book — it is a section that would be fun to teach and also be of value to all students regardless of their age. It is also something no one else has. In the course of your lifetime you will experience many events that will change your goals, affect your financial resources, and create new financial obligations or opportunities for you. While there is an almost unlimited number of these type of life events, Keown discuses on 10 of the most common, and with each one we present a comprehensive step by step discussion of how you should respond to them. These financial life events include:

Life Event 1: Getting Started
Life Event 2: Marriage.
Life Event 3: Buying a Home
Life Event 4: Having a Child.
Life Event 5: Inheritances, Bonuses, or Unexpected Money
Life Event 6: A Major Illness
Life Event 7: Caring for an Elderly Parent.
Life Event 8: Retiring
Life Event 9: Death of a Spouse
Life Event 10: Divorce

Arthur J. Keown
Virginia Polytechnic Instit. and State University花蓮美食推薦部落格


  • 出版社:新陸書局


  • 出版日期:2007/06/01
  • 語言:英文









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